
Dragon age origins battle mage
Dragon age origins battle mage

It has pretty good DPS and is really hard to kill. So many people say this class is boring, but I had a lot of fun with it surprisingly. If there are multiple strong enemies, you can also use Force Field to deal with them one at a time. Other strategies I like are to send your warrior into the middle of the field, use a Force Field on them so that they’re immune to all attack, and then just use all your friendly fire spells. However since most mages are weak, it’s not need to get until a bit later in the game where enemy mages are hidden behind a large number of enemy fodder. If they’re of boss rank (orange letters with an orange health bar), they can still cut half their mana. Mana Clash can be used on other mages and a lot of the time instantly kills him. Your warriors can also instant kill a few more frozen enemies if you’re lucky. If the enemy is of normal rank (white letters), it is almost guarantee to kill them instantly.

dragon age origins battle mage

It can be used once your freeze enemies with Cone of Cold or Winter’s Grasp. The two other key spells to learn are Mana Clash and Crushing Prison.

dragon age origins battle mage

After that, you don’t really need Morrigan and can switch her out for Sten or Wynne. After you have Fireball, get Cone of Cold and Blizzard as soon as you can. Morrigan will already have Winter’s Grasp and Frost Weapons by the time you get her on your party so she’ll have Cone of Cold before you do. Then neglect the cold line for a while and go to fire to get Fireball. When picking spells start with Winter’s Grasp. For arcane warrior, only learn the first spell which passively allows you the ability to use warrior armors. Personally, I only use blood mage for the stats and don’t use any of the spells.

dragon age origins battle mage

Although having three mages in your party can be really fun, it also slows down combat a lot if you can’t kill everything before running out of mana.įor specializations, arcane warrior and blood mage are the best. Sten can be exchanged for either Morrigan or Wynne. I will explain how to use each of the companions later. If your player is a mage, it’s best to have Alistair, Sten and Leliana in your party. A mage’s duty is to do as much damage as possible with one or two spells and then run out of mana and die (or just spam the weak auto attack). It is more or less unavoidable in some of the harder fights. Everyone says this is the best, and although it is really fun to play as mage, it’s also really easy to run out of mana quickly and die.

Dragon age origins battle mage